Thursday, May 1, 2008

Во Охрид

Еве ме мене во Охрид.На поседок кај една прекрасна пријателка.Градов сум го посетувала само во потопли денови.Поинаков е сега.Мирен, бавен, поискрен, луѓето се конечно тие што се.Ја нема туристичката бука.Снегот го прави градов поезотеричен од обично. Се губам ориентационо по скалилата и се потсетувам на Дубровник за миг.Запознав охриѓани. Тие ти биле прекрасен народ. Посебен. Особено моите новостекнати познанства. Деца од фамилии со историјат стар колку езерово. Династии. Успешни луѓе. Разговараме, ме шетаат, градов имал и други лица освен Канео и Плаошник.Ноќниот живот е супер. Џез ин нема мана, мирно и свири џез, а што би друго... Во Д дак пееше сношти Жармена. Некои фини, непознати момци го честеа моето женско друштво пијачки. А не побараа ништо за возврат. Хм...Скопјанец не видов досега. Баш ми годи.
Денес ја шетавме Струга. Видовме некои музеи и галерии и спомен куќа на браќата Миладиновци. Однадвор само.“Запознај ја татковината за да ја сакаш повеќе“ ми се случува сега.Имаат таму ајриш паб на три спрата со прекрасен поглед. Дримот е наместо, мислам, и хотелот, а и реката, а мостот на поетите е распаднат до даска, буквално - штиците се со дупки.Бевме и во некој манастир кај Калишта. До хотел Бисер. Еден љубезен човек ни раскажа историјат.
Кај и да си за Бадник дома да си, рекоа сега на радио.Јас не сум дома.На гости сум.Прекрасно ми е.Не би била во овој миг на друго место или со други луѓе, оти имам совршен момент.Ново пријателство.Едно е кога седиме на кафиња на безбеден терен и даваме од себе толку колку што сме спремни да дадеме.Сосема друго ниво на дружење е кога си му дома некому.Кога ќе те пушти храбро во својот живот, во своето семејство, во своите навики, на својот компјутер, во своите пријатели, во својата ноќ и во своето секојдневие.Охрид е полн со љубов.Да, езерото е исто, врне ситен дождец, времето е меко, брановите прават мелодија...Вдишувам природа низ кислородот и се чувствувам убаво.Сакам да влезам во водата и да пливам.
После многу долг период се чувствувам слободна, смирена,

превземено од

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Summer Again!!!

The summer has arrived in our beutiful Ohrid and Macedonia, so we are waiting for the season to start with new experiences, people, adventures!
Take care and see you in Ohrid

Monday, September 3, 2007

100% Gurantee for the Great Holidays!

I visit Ohrid regularly and especially during the long weekends when I want to be just out of the office and work routine, and every time thanks to lost in ohrid I get the best accommodation with the perfect view of the lake and Ohrid.
Therefore all you need to do in order to have great and unforgettable experience and relax in Ohrid is to email or send an sms to Katherina or the others, and everything will be arranged for you; the best and cheapest accommodation available, visit to best parts of Ohrid, best food and best clubs, in other words all done for you.

I have been traveling a lot, but there is no better client service then lost in ohrid provides, they are just the best.

Dont lose the opportunity to experience the best of the best of Ohrid

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

You don't need sun to enjoy Ohrid

The weather was not particularly good last weekend in Ohrid. But that didn't mean I couldn't enjoy my time for two days. I went down there from Prishtina (Kosova/o) for a weekend and with the help of Kate I can say I had a fun time although the weather was not the best. There is nothing better then having a local to suggest you where to go. Thus, a lunch at the Fisherman's House suggested by Kate compensated for the lack of rays that Saturday. Who needs the sun to enjoy Ohrid, when you have Lost in Ohrid!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Ohrid, closer to ...

I have been to Ohrid many times. It suppose to be boring for me to go there, but it is not. Every time when I visit this city, I have better and better experiences, so I stopped thinking that there is nothing else. Every time is completely different. The last few times Kate was there to show us some things that we did not even hope that they exist in Macedonia. Not to mention the unique treatment that we had as guests in every place that we visited. Way is that? Because Kate has a lots of friends that they respect her, so we had opportunity to sense some of that respect. Only trough this you can find something that Ohrid do not show to every body. You will witness even surrealistic situations, or views. Ohrid with Kate is especially recommended if you are very tired of lots of work and you need effort even to have fun. You will gain that kind of energy like your life just begun.

I am grateful for those moments, Trajce

Friday, July 27, 2007

Prekrasno prekrasno prekrasno

Prekrasno prekrasno prekrasno. This site is beautiful. Thank you Kate for sharing your magical world with the rest of us. U have flame in your heart that turns other hearts in flame too, I hope soon we will all come together creating a new sun of love in this galaxy.
Your friend Filip

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Rarity of its kind

Exploring Ohrid with Kate and through Katerina's eyes is a rarity of its kind. One has to live it through! Having dinner at fisherman's house at Kaneo, biking fastly through the colourfull landscape in autumn, jammin' and jazzin' in one of the most beatiful jazz bar's; that's what some specialities of Kate's tour are. Other's are surprise or privilegy - depends what you deserve. You can't miss the oportunity to get lost with Kate in Ohrid. Kate see you soon, in Ohrid, of course....

Vex from Zagreb,Croatia

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Lost and Found in Ohrid

TOURS: "Thanks Kate!!! What an unforgettable sightseeing, what an adventure! Every day you show us Ohrid in different light!!! To all those who plan travel in Ohrid, I strongly recommend tours offered by this marvelous person always prepared to answer your questions or enjoy the silence when beauty is just unbearable. Speaking of the city tours I would definitely highlight the one towards the Church of St Kaneo and then up to the Plaoshnik site...The streets are tiny and narrowed each of them offers different story. When approaching the St. Kaneo Church you will definitely feel the magic of that place- the view is just unforgettable and the smelt of the cedar threes will make you feel heavenly!! From there make your choice towards the woods or towards the Plaoshnik Church. Which ever you choose you will not regret..With Kate around you will be safe and treated responsivelly...Enjoy"
When touring Ohrid, make sure that Kate arrange you lunch at Kaneo - Fisherman's House.This is small, family owned facility at the lake, with the view towards the St Kaneo Church. The hosts will greet you in traditional manner with "slatko" - sweet made of locally produced fruits. The food is tasty and delicious as it is prepared with organic food, in old traditional manner- you will not make mistake if you choose any of the menus. Still feel the taste of "sarma", home made pie and the fish..mmmm
SHOPPING:On your way back, Kate can give you a nice shopping tour so you can take home certified, locally produced souvenirs or jewelry. Be careful as there are lots of imported goods from neighboring countries so having Kate with you will be of great assistance...Do not forget that Ohrid is well known because of the famous Ohrid pearls as well as curved goods that could be purchased in the old part of the city....."


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Come back to Ohrid, as I did

The day has started. You should first find you accomodation in a private room, not in a hotel, with an old hospitable 'gazda' (landlord) around to take care of you. Then, before noon, you must climb up to Samuil's fortress and smoke a joint, overlooking Ohrid below. No need to hurry. Then you must get to the small village of Trpeica near Ohrid to have lunch at this restaurant right on the shore of the lake. Order belvica fish and 'traminec' (traminer) white wine after you have had a nice big bowl of Macedonian salad with hot peppers and 'zolta lozova' (yellow Macedonian grape brandy). After the lunch, and maybe a swim, buy several Skopsko beers and drive or sail to Sveti Naum. Take the boat to the springs of the Drim river, bow down and drink directly from the lake the clearest cold water from earth's uterus. It may well be five or six o'clock buy now. Go to the jazz club in central Ohrid. Have a few drinks until it's ten or eleven. Then go to the 'kajces' (boats) below Kaneo. The day is not over yet. Enjoy the evening and come back to Ohrid, as I did.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Dreaming away in the sunset of Ohrid

Ohrid has always been a place dear to my heart, and it is not easy to describe the reason with words. The sunset is always charming, the lake is always colourful, food is extraordinary and the people are special. It is a mixture of modernity and ancient history. Every piece of soil we walk on dates back to the blood and tears of ancient conquest and empire. You can cross the lake by boat to Albania illegally, but I wouldn't recommend it in case your motor breaks down in the middle of the lake. It is at least two hours to each side if you row by hands from the border line. If it rains while you were there, I recommend you stay with some local people to drink cocktail or to learn how to cook Macadonian food from a grand mother. Hopping around the bars among teenagers in Ohrid at night, I feel young again--submerged in the lyrics of love and bitterness. As a foreigner, I feel I am most welcomed here among motivated people who try to build their country amongst political chaos. Come see it.


We are a group of young people who love simple and beautiful places! We have an independent spirit and feel a great desire to explore, discover, create… Even though we come from different professional, ethnic and academic background all of us want to experience the authentic music, dances, food, traditions and life - just the same way the locals do…

Team of Lost in Ohrid


We want to share this dreamy countryside with the rest of the world.Here one can enjoy: The sunrise in a coastal village, while drinking freshly ground coffee The warmth of freshly baked bread in small village bakeries The taste of freshly picked tomatoes and peppers directly from the local gardens, cherries and peaches straight from the tree The innocent whiteness of cheese home-made as you watch The sweetness of honey eaten in the flower gardens where the bees made it View of stars above the mountains, where you might even discover a new constellation The blue colour of clear rivers The scent of mountain flowers in spring Sunset at a fishermen's settlement, when colours of the lake vary from light blue to purple and orange...
And all that in a radius of less than 30km!

Team of Lost in Ohrid


We believe in inspiration as a driving force of all that exists We want to make dreams come true We consider travelling as one of the easiest ways We like to relax and enjoy our vacation surrounded by natural beauties, without disturbing other people and animals that enjoy it as well We keep the environment clean We respect animal and plant life We interact with local people as much as possible in order to avoid turning local communities into "human ZOO's" We listen to local music that locals play and dance traditional dances with them We want to know the local legends told by elderly people and learn some of their wisdom We empower local people by purchasing the food they produce and using the services they offer We want to connect with people who have similar ideas about tourism We don't want mass tourism We don't want to leave our signature in plastic bottles and other garbage all over the places we visit We don't want loud crowded places made of concrete and decorated with artificial greenery

Team of Lost in Ohrid


We organize tailor-made tours in Ohrid-Struga Region that can suit specific needs of responsible tourists who want to experience hidden part of this region not included in the standard tourist offer.More info about our offer will follow in the next month...In the meantime, stay inspired!

Saturday, July 21, 2007


We believe that there are many small things that we can do to help the communities where we make our tours. We talk to the local people in order to identify their needs and our team tries to help anyway we can. We establish links between local civil society organizations, businessmen and public institutions in everything we do. Currently we are focused on fundraising for the home of old people in Ohrid. Some of our previous initiatives included: Organizing Free English Courses for Disadvantaged Women in cooperation with local NGO - Vavilon and Peace Corps Volunteers; Logistical support for the Local City Chorus of Ohrid; drafting project for Local Association of People with hearing Disabilities; advising local room renters how to improve their services. As our business grows we intent to establish "Dream.Come.Live it!" foundation that will financially support local sustainable development and raise awareness among local businessmen about the importance of social responsibility.

Saturday, July 14, 2007


Ohrid, Macedonia